Advantages of Starting a Business in India for Foreign Investors

advantages of starting a business in india for foreign investors

What makes India an irresistible investment opportunity for foreign investors amidst its thriving economy and progressive business reforms? In the global business environment, India stands out as a powerhouse of opportunity, with a thriving startup ecosystem and a government committed to attracting foreign investment through various incentives. 

The advantages of starting a business in India for foreign investors are quite a few and so are the regulations that must be followed. Setting up and operating a business in India requires expertise and guidance. This is where Burgeon Law helps in offering comprehensive legal support to foreign investors as they embark on their entrepreneurial journey in India.

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Advantages of Starting a Business in India for Foreign Investors

Exploring the business opportunities in India gives away compelling reasons for foreign investors to consider starting a business in India. With its booming economy and expansive market potential, the country is a significant player in the global economic landscape. The following are a few advantages of starting a business in India for foreigners.

1. Dense Population

India’s substantial population offers foreign investors a significant advantage. With over 1.4 billion people, [1] India boasts one of the largest consumer markets globally, offering immense potential for business growth and profitability. This demographic abundance provides ample opportunities for foreign businesses to penetrate various market segments, cater to evolving consumer needs, and capitalize on India’s growing economic prowess.

2. Low operational Cost 

Low operational costs represent a significant benefit for starting a business in India for foreigners. The country offers a highly cost-effective environment across various aspects of business operations. One of the primary contributors to this advantage is the availability of affordable labour. With a large workforce and competitive wages, businesses can significantly reduce their labour costs compared to more developed economies.

3. Favourable Tax Regime

The tax system in India stands out as a significant advantage for foreign investors looking to start businesses in the country. With a general corporate tax rate of 25%, India stands as a competitive destination. However, what distinguishes it further is the special rate of 15% tailored specifically for manufacturing units which is highly competitive compared to global standards. [2] This lower tax rate not only enhances profitability but also incentivizes foreign companies to establish their manufacturing operations in India, thus contributing to the country’s economic growth.

4. Business Friendly Laws 

India has enacted several reforms to foster a business-friendly environment. One such landmark legislation is the Central Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act, 2017 [3], which has streamlined the movement of goods across India by replacing multiple indirect taxes with a single unified tax system. 

India has further implemented several other reforms aimed at improving the ease of doing business. These include simplifying the procedures for business registration, reducing the number of required permits and enhancing digital interfaces for administrative processes. 

5. Indian Financial System

India’s financial system is well-regulated, offering the compelling benefits of starting a business in India for foreigners. 

Key components of the Indian financial system include a diverse range of banking institutions, from large state-owned banks to private sector banks, as well as non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) that provide additional avenues for credit and investment. The equity and bond markets are also significant, with the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE) being among the largest in the world. The availability of sophisticated financial services, including digital banking and fintech solutions, further enhances the attractiveness of India’s financial landscape.

The Indian government has also implemented reforms such as the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) to improve the credit environment and resolve insolvencies swiftly, which protects creditors’ rights and increases the predictability of outcomes in financial distress situations.

6. Government Initiatives 

The Indian government has launched several initiatives to attract foreign investments and create a favourable business environment. 

A key effort is the “Startup India Movement” aimed at facilitating Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and enhancing business partnerships through modernizing policies and regulations. This includes collaborating with various ministries to streamline foreign investment rules, thus easing entry barriers for foreign investors. 

Final Thoughts

With its booming economy, progressive business reforms and vast market potential, the country offers a myriad of advantages for starting a business in India for foreigners. From the high population and low operational costs to the favourable tax system and business-friendly laws, India provides a fertile ground for business growth and success. With the support of Burgeon Law’s expertise in navigating the legal and commercial landscapes, foreign investors can capitalize on these advantages and unlock the immense opportunities that India has to offer.

Launch Your Business in India with Confidence

Expert legal guidance plays a critical role in leveraging the advantages of starting a business in India for foreigners. With the complexities of India’s regulatory environment and business landscape, navigating the legal intricacies requires specialized knowledge and experience. This is where Burgeon Law’s comprehensive services and sector-specific expertise come in. 

Our team of legal experts simplifies the setup process for foreign investors, ensuring compliance with regulations, mitigating risks, and maximizing opportunities for success in India. Explore our “Setting up in India” service page for detailed insights on how Burgeon Law can assist in making their investment journey seamless.


1. Why should foreign entrepreneurs consider starting a business in India?

Foreign entrepreneurs should consider starting a business in India due to its booming economy, vast market potential, favourable government policies, favourable tax system, thriving startup culture and strong work ethics of the Indian workforce, all of which collectively offer immense opportunities for business growth and success.

2. How does the Indian government support foreign investment?

The Indian government supports foreign investment through initiatives such as the “Make in India” campaign, which promotes manufacturing investments; the “Startup India” program, which encourages entrepreneurship and innovation; the introduction of the Central Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act, 2017 for tax reform; liberalization of FDI policies in various sectors; These initiatives collectively demonstrate the Indian government’s commitment to fostering a conducive environment for foreign investment, driving economic growth, and enhancing global competitiveness.

3. How has the ease of doing business in India improved for foreign investors?

The ease of doing business in India has brought various advantages of starting a business in India for foreigners, through a series of reforms aimed at simplifying regulatory procedures, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, enhancing transparency, and promoting digitalization. Key measures include the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act, 2017 for streamlining taxation, the introduction of online platforms for business registration and compliance, the enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) for resolving commercial disputes efficiently, liberalization of FDI policies in various sectors, and initiatives such as “Make in India” and “Startup India” to promote manufacturing and entrepreneurship. These efforts have contributed to a more investor-friendly environment, making it easier and more attractive for foreign investors to do business in India.

4. How can Burgeon Law assist foreign investors in setting up their businesses in India?

Burgeon Law specializes in aiding foreign investors in the establishment of their businesses in India. Our tailored services encompass legal guidance on compliance with regulatory frameworks, contract drafting and review, navigating investment regulations, securing requisite licenses and permits and facilitating partnerships or joint ventures with local entities. With our proficiency in Indian business law, we ensure a seamless and effective process for foreign investors, facilitating the successful initiation and growth of their ventures in India.

5. Why is India considered a strategic hub for international business?

India is considered a strategic hub of advantages of starting a business in India for foreigners due to several key factors:

  • Large and Growing Market
  • Economic Growth Potential
  • Demographic Dividend
  • Strategic Location
  • Technological Advancements
  • Favourable Government Policies
  • Access to Skilled Talent

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