Audits, Regulatory & Compliance

Our Audits, Regulatory & Compliance Practice provides targeted legal solutions for businesses navigating the complex regulatory landscape, offering services across sectors like technology, healthcare, finance and retail.
  • Expertise in conducting detailed legal and regulatory audits to identify and mitigate compliance risks across various industries.
  • Development of tailored compliance programs that align with unique business models.
  • Provision of bespoke training programs and continuous compliance support to empower stakeholders in maintaining regulatory adherence.
Corporate & Comemrcial

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Services Offered

Legal and Regulatory Compliance Audits

We offer in-depth audits that evaluate your organization’s compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Policy Development and Implementation

Our team assists in creating and implementing effective compliance policies and procedures.

Training and Workshops

We conduct training sessions to educate the staff on legal compliance, regulatory changes and best practices.

Continuous Monitoring and Support

Our services extend to ongoing support to ensure sustained compliance and address any emerging legal challenges.

Advisory on Legal and Regulatory Framework

Our team provides insightful advice on the Indian regulatory, industrial and corporate landscape, ensuring that our clients’ business setups are in line with the latest legal and regulatory frameworks.

Foreign Investment and Equity Structure Guidance

We offer specialized counsel on navigating India’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policies, helping businesses understand and maximize their foreign equity investments in various sectors as per Indian law.

Financial and Banking Support

We guide our clients through the process of bank account opening, finance arrangement and managing fund transfers in compliance with exchange-control laws and central bank (RBI) regulations.

Strategic Business Structuring

We assist in the strategic structuring of business entities, advising on the most beneficial and efficient organizational structures in line with business objectives and legal requirements.

Ongoing Legal and Compliance Support

We offer continuous support in legal and regulatory compliance, ensuring businesses stay updated with changing laws and regulations.

Liaison and Representative Office Setup

For foreign companies testing the Indian market, we facilitate the setting up of liaison or representative offices, managing the regulatory approvals and ensuring compliance with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other relevant authorities.

Strategic Business Structuring

We assist in the strategic structuring of business entities, advising on the most beneficial and efficient organizational structures in line with business objectives and legal requirements.

Employment Law Compliance

Our experts offer guidance on crafting employment contracts and ensuring employment-law compliance in India. With experience across industries, we offer tailored solutions to address industry-specific employment law complexities.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise in Diverse Sectors

With understanding of India’s business laws and foreign direct investment policies, we navigate the complexities of setting up and operating a business in India effortlessly.

Strategic and Practical Legal Solutions

Offering a full spectrum of services, including post-incorporation compliance, financial guidance and dispute resolution, we stand by our clients at every stage of their business journey.

Personalized and Trusted Advisory Role

Our personalized approach ensures that each client’s unique business needs are met with precision and expertise, from incorporation to compliance and beyond.

Our Team

Ketan Makhija

Senior Partner

Abhisshek Singlla

Abhisshek Singlla


Anish Jaipuriar

Anish Jaipuriar


Ankit Bhasin

Ankit Bhasin


Work Highlights

Successful Compliance Revamp for a Tech MNC

We conducted a comprehensive legal compliance audit for a leading technology company, identifying key areas for improvement and implementing robust compliance mechanisms.

Regulatory Strategy for a Healthcare Firm

Our team developed a tailored regulatory compliance strategy for a healthcare organization, ensuring adherence to complex healthcare laws and regulations.

Risk Management for a Major Finance Company

We provided risk assessment and compliance solutions for a major finance company, mitigating potential legal risks and aligning their operations with current financial regulations.

Client Testimonials


Our services help businesses in achieving and maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, minimizing legal risks, and fostering a culture of compliance.

Burgeon Law specializes in a range of compliance audits tailored to various industries including technology, healthcare, finance and retail. Our audits encompass thorough reviews of adherence to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, risk management and the implementation of industry-specific compliance strategies.

Regular compliance audits help in identifying potential issues early, ensuring legal safety and maintaining a positive reputation in the industry.

Book a Free Consultation

Get in touch with our Legal advisors and get your doubts and legal troubles solved in a most effective way at an affordable price.

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