Setting Up a Company

Common Challenges Faced by UAE Investors in India and How to Overcome Them

Being a UAE investor in India you must be facing numerous challenges despite the promising opportunities. The India-UAE trade relations have flourished, yet several hurdles still obstruct smooth investments. Understanding these challenges and finding ways to overcome them is crucial for enhancing bilateral economic ties. This article will explore the common challenges faced by UAE …

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Setting up a New Manufacturing Plant in India: Complete Guide

How to start a manufacturing business in India? This question often arises for entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on the developing market and manufacturing capabilities of the country. Setting up a Manufacturing Plant in India involves navigating a complex landscape of legal requirements, regulatory approvals and compliance with environmental and labour laws. Understanding the legal requirements …

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How to Register & Set Up a Singapore Company in India

How to register a Singapore company in India? Many entrepreneurs and businesses are exploring opportunities to expand their operations across borders. How to register a company in India from Singapore is a common query among Singaporean business owners eager to tap into the vast Indian market. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to …

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How to Register & Set Up a UAE Company in India

How to Register a UAE Company in India? This process involves several crucial steps and compliance requirements under Indian law. How to register a UAE company in India necessitates understanding the legal frameworks, selecting the appropriate type of entity and meeting the mandatory criteria. Whether you aim to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, a joint venture …

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How to Register & Set Up a UK Company in India

How to Register a UK Company in India? Registering a UK company in India involves a detailed process governed by the Indian regulatory framework. The Companies Act, 2013, and the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) provide the legal foundation for foreign entities establishing their presence in India. The first step is to obtain approval …

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How to Register & Set Up a US Company in India

How to register a US company in India? This question resonates with many entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand their footprint across borders. Registering a US company in India involves a structured legal process governed by both Indian and US regulations. It encompasses obtaining necessary permits, adhering to local laws and ensuring compliance with international …

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How Can a Foreign Company Open a Bank Account in India?

Can a foreign company open a bank account in India? This question is increasingly relevant as India’s economic landscape continues to expand its global integration. Yes, a foreign company can open a bank account in India. This process is facilitated by India’s regulatory framework, which allows foreign entities to establish and maintain bank accounts in …

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Challenges Faced by Foreign Companies in India

Why is it difficult for foreign firms to operate in India? This question resonates across boardrooms and strategy meetings of multinational corporations considering entering the Indian market. The legal and cultural landscape of India presents a number of challenges faced by foreign companies in India that must be navigated to establish and sustain their operations. …

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legal compliance checklist for registering a gaming company in india

Legal Compliance Checklist for Registering a Gaming Company in India

How to register a gaming company in India? The process involves several key legal steps. First, identify whether your platform is skill-based or chance-based, as this determines the applicable legal framework. Compliance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and guidelines from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is necessary. Obtaining the required state-specific licenses …

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important registrations and licences required for businesses

Important Registrations and Licences Required for Businesses

Which licences and registrations are required for business in India? In India, the landscape of licences and registrations mandated for all types of businesses encompasses a wide range of requirements that must be fulfilled to legally set up and operate a business. These foundational steps include securing various licenses and registrations required for business in …

Important Registrations and Licences Required for Businesses Read More »

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